real estate's Ultimate Marketing System Has Arrived!

Finally ...The All-In-One, Done-For-You, Lead
Generation and Follow Up System To

Get You In Front Of More Sellers With
More Booked Appointments.

Run Facebook and other Social Media
Campaigns like a BIG agency

amazing mobile app Puts your office In your pocket

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How it works

  • At the heart of the RealAds System is a brilliant and easy-to-drive CRM that captures leads using innovative lead magnets, landing pages, surveys, forms, an AI text bot plus calendar appointment scheduling

  • Your leads are then automatically nurtured via pre-written email campaigns, texts, voicemails, Facebook messenger and more.

  • Multi-Channel follow-up campaigns allow you to automate engaging follow-ups and capture engaged responses

  • Convert leads to listings in sales with industry. Access the best tools to schedule appointments, monitor potential income from your dashboard and track analytics. Use AI to manage your conversations.

What's Included? (We set these up for you)

  • Consolidate communication channels into one mobile experience including phone calls, and recording text messages, Google My Business chat email Facebook messenger, Instagram, DM's WhatsApp plus LinkedIn. The RealAds platform even includes a built in video create and send feature. This is your business is in your pocket! :-)

  • Web chat widget +2 way SMS Most people who visit your website will leave without you knowing they’ve been there. Setting up an integrated web chat feature dramatically increases your lead capture chances and the follow up is automated. Every business needs a web chat widget but most don’t have one or are afraid to try it because the tech is confusing. But customers prefer to text not talk. Traditional live chat is not always a great user experience. This system gives agents a better model to catch more traffic.

  • Google My Business messaging feature integration

    Google your business and see if your listing includes a ‘MESSAGE’ option. Probably not. We will create one for you.

  • Missed call text back 62% of calls are missed or go unanswered. This immediate text back response engages the caller and saves valuable lead traffic

  • Social Media planning and content creation

    Running Facebook and other Social Media campaigns is confusing and it's easy to make mistakes. To overcome this issue, many agents pay HUGE $$$$ every month to a Social Media Marketing Agency to run their campaigns. Your RealAds account will include a stunning new feature that let's you take over this role and run paid campaigns with just a few clicks. This new feature is FREE so you can fire your agency and save tens of thousands of dollars every year.

  • Customized Scheduling Calendar

    Leads are great, but what agents REALLY want is booked appointments. Our system will provide you with a customized Scheduling calendar where potential clients can simply click a link and reserve a Zoom or phone appointment with you.

  • Automated reputation management

    Always know how many reviews you are getting or not getting PLUS an easy way to dispute negative reviews. We set it up so GOOD reviews go straight into your Google My Business listing

  • Send amazing emails

    Most agents know they should be doing more email marketing, but most don’t. The RealAds simple drop and drag platform is easy and fun.

  • Bulk send text messages with automated follow up and immediate response

  • AI Integration We configure the ChatGPT AI application to integrate with all your messaging.

Who It’s For?

  • Individual real estate business owners and salespeople looking to systemize their marketing, lead generation, client follow-up, and retention

  • Individual real estate business owners and salespeople looking to systemize their marketing, lead generation, client follow-up, and retention

  • A new salesperson just getting started in their career with the primary goal of fast-tracking results by getting in front of more sellers

  • Real estate salespeople looking to upgrade their marketing, brand, and business profile to build more relationships with future clients

  • Real estate salespeople seeking to adopt and promote a dynamic and compelling point-of-difference and stand out in their local area

  • Experienced agents looking to reinvent their careers with a fresh injection of motivation and state-of-the-art marketing tools

RealAds Delivers Real funnels and Real Results

"In less than 3 months, we’ve attracted 76 new contacts to our landing page. From these, we’ve been invited into 42 homes to give a value update. 7 have been listed and sold, generating fees of $86,675. A further 5 or 6 will list in the next 3 to 6 months"

Trent Pool

McGrath, Noosa, Queensland

"Hey Ray, our funnels are humming and sales have tripled over the last year 2 years. Our system now generates 40-45 online market update requests each month converting to 4 plus listings a month and 48 sales in the last year. Thanks Heaps! The results have been life-changing."

Jarrad Mahon

Perth, Western Australia

"Listings and sales have tripled since we started using the Real Estate Funnels system. In the last 6 months, one funnel helped us win 24 listings with seller leads coming in on autopilot direct from our landing page. No more cold calling … win-win."

Troy Kincaid

Colac, Victoria

"This is my 7th year as a Bestagents member and the point-of-difference it gives me and my business pays off handsomely every month with extra listings and sales. A powerful tool and the best personal and business investment I have ever made."

Mike Cranstoun

Dunedin, New Zealand